You might’ve seen me around.

I’ve written and said words many places on the interwebs about singleness, church culture, relationships, and more. I think you’ll be into them, so scroll down to check out interviews, guest blogs, and essays.

Guest Writing

Why Single Christians Need Mentors– Dr. Camden Morgante

What Kind of Problem Is Loneliness?– Fathom

5 Ways Churches Can Show Singles They’re Valued– Christians Who Curse Sometimes

All Alone in a Room Full of Christians–Joy Vetterlein 

Grieving a Good No- The Truly Co. (print)

Can You Grow on Your Own– The Center for Faith & Work 

Seeing Blindspots (and Shalom) at Christmas– Hope for New York

Am I Allowed To Be Angry?– The Valiant Scribe

A Teachable Soul– Fathom Magazine

Facing a Holy Sucker Punch– Now She Rises

No Wasted Time– Diana Gruver

Podcast Interviews

Click the podcast name to listen on Apple

How can I serve your people?

If you have a podcast or a space where people read words, I’d love to partner with you! Fill out the contact form and I’ll get back to you as soon as I am able! Here are a few things I love talking about: singleness, relationships, community, church culture, mental health, feminism and Christianity, and more!